TO Berlin
By nighT !
Allow me, Lucien Lafayette, BDSM escort from Berlin. Dom­i­nant and Queer, Heav­en and Hell, Alpha and Omega, Unique and Inhu­man, Lord and Mas­ter, Mas­ter and Mas­tress, Domi­nus and Dom­i­na, Mis­tress and Mis­tress, Lady and Lucifer, Las­civ­i­ous and Lethal. I am exact­ly what a life of lust and kink has made of me. And what I can give is to take you there for some time. On a jour­ney into the deep­est abysses and high­est plea­sures of the human soul. Where all our dark desires find ful­fill­ment and every moment becomes unfor­get­table. I will also make sure that noth­ing hap­pens to you there that is not good for you and that you return safe­ly. So dare and read on. If you like it, get in touch. If not, then also. 
Wan­na know more.. fol­low me on Twit­ter.
Since I am very proud of my guild and also pub­licly always stand by my wicked life, I am often asked why I pur­sue this pro­fes­sion. The answer: “Because I can!” Because BDSM is my life and shar­ing it is the most mean­ing­ful occu­pa­tion I have ever pur­sued. Because I can’t mas­ter a job that makes peo­ple even hap­pi­er. And most impor­tant­ly, because it’s not real­ly a job. It’s my culture. 
It is the world that I have cre­at­ed and fought for myself and which grows a lit­tle fur­ther with every evil deed. In my case, it is sim­ply some­thing more than a hob­by in the bed­room. And what can you do bet­ter than to make your hob­by your pro­fes­sion? Make it your life and then make that your job. In my career there was nev­er a moment when I dis­cov­ered SM for myself. It has been with me longer than I can remem­ber. At the age of 13 I start­ed to explore this world. In the mean­time, I look back with sat­is­fac­tion on 16 years of expe­ri­ence, train­ing and research, I ben­e­fit from it every day and I am still eager to meet new play partners. 
more about my life as a sex­work­er in ger­manys news­pa­per: taz.
Eman­ci­pa­tion is not a one-way street. That is why I reject het­ero­nor­ma­tive role mod­els. Gen­der, social sex, I con­sid­er nei­ther as a bina­ry or lin­ear nor social premise but as a per­son­al and indi­vid­ual con­struc­tion. Thus I unite all that I enjoy in myself, with­out let­ting myself be stopped by which phys­i­cal gen­der my attrib­ut­es were once linked to. I am gen­derqueer, pan­sex­u­al and far more eman­ci­pat­ed than the rest of the male world. Mas­cu­line – Fem­i­nine – Androg­y­nous – I don’t care! I am the best of everything. 
I do not care if you call me mas­ter or mis­tress, the main thing is that you kneel when my name comes to your lips. Your sex is also always wel­come, what­ev­er it may be. I have been allowed to be so close to so many peo­ple and have such inti­mate moments with them, as hard­ly any­one else. And in the moment in which they despair in blush­es of shame, whim­per for mer­cy and accep­tance, absolute­ly let them­selves fall in tor­ture or total­ly give up in humil­i­ty, live out their inner­most and look with tear­ful­ly faith­ful eyes into mine; in this moment all peo­ple are the same. 
Read my own Gen­der­wars-blog AgnderAgenda.de.
& factS
To my luck and yours, I am blessed with a body that suc­cess­ful­ly defies the laws of biol­o­gy. Thanks to hours of beau­ty care and all kinds of body train­ing comes out at the end pure­ly sports med­i­cine the most adorable myth­i­cal crea­ture of Berlin. In num­bers, this means:

Almost two meters high. In heels even up to 2.15m. At eye lev­el we are at most when you hang. So you always have to look up to me. And it should nev­er be otherwise. 

With a body mass index of 19.3 not under­weight but sehing and thin. grace­ful and strong. The match­ing dive­nalüren to this I also have. So also my clos­et offers only exquis­ite and tai­lored fetish­wear in all col­ors, pro­vid­ed it is black. 

Almost two square meters of sur­face mea­sures my body and they are as del­i­cate and pure as they can be. Hair I have about 5 mil­lion and every sin­gle one of them does exact­ly what I want. Most of them are epi­lat­ed and the rest always looks good. Why do I as a Dom put so much empha­sis on my pure skin and per­fect hair? ‑Because it’s just awesome! 

Even though I like to brag less but rather spon­ta­neous­ly sur­prise, I’ll prob­a­bly have to write here what I have between my legs. Only I may show him here for rea­sons of youth pro­tec­tion unfor­tu­nate­ly not. So, yes. I have the mag­ic two-zero. In addi­tion, an aver­age diam­e­ter of 6.5cm, beau­ti­ful sym­met­ri­cal optics, endurance like an ox and killer stink like the big bad wolf. So for me sex has always been more slaugh­ter than cud­dling. But don’t wor­ry: flesh is stretched – not torn open. And even if SM is much more than coitus, I can also like to just bang your soul out for hours. 

These are the mass­es of my fin­gers and fist. Because even if some would dare to con­tra­dict me there, I per­son­al­ly con­sid­er my hands the most pre­cise tool to stim­u­late peo­ple into mad­ness. After many years of ded­i­cat­ed research work on the liv­ing object, I also find myself quite well in all bodies. 

My dai­ly require­ment. Yes, I eat for two. No, I’m not preg­nant; I have a mon­ster metab­o­lism. Thanks to that, my body does­n’t put on fat, but imme­di­ate­ly builds mus­cle. Every­thing you see there between the skin and the bones is mus­cle mass. So even though I don’t look like it, I’ll send any­one to the boards with ease. So if you want to dance.. I’d love to, I’ll lead! 

& BeLOveD
BDSM, four let­ters behind which is hid­den so much more than you dare to believe when you first enter this world. The offi­cial trans­la­tion is: “Bondage, Dom­i­nance, Dis­ci­pline, Sub­mis­sion, Sadism & Masoshism”. 
The true mean­ing encom­pass­es all that is most pri­mal in us for which, for­tu­nate­ly, there is no room in peace­ful life, but which is worth expe­ri­enc­ing: The adven­ture of expe­ri­enc­ing the high­est ecsta­sy in the most inhu­man depths of the human psy­che. A jour­ney into sit­u­a­tions from which we draw the most inti­mate pleasures. 
There­fore, I see myself as a tour guide and com­pan­ion in the soul of man and offer this sense astral body, exper­tise, expe­ri­ence as well as a bound­less dirty and sadis­tic per­son­al­i­ty to expe­ri­ence these adven­tures togeth­er. And I love this adven­ture. I appre­ci­ate the humil­i­ty which gives me every­one who comes under me, I enjoy it and deal with it as he deserves. For all those who long for dom­i­na­tion, I am the own­er to whom they may sur­ren­der body and soul. The coun­ter­parts to dom­i­na­tion and sub­mis­sion are care and devo­tion. So I also pre­fer the scalpel to the bat­tle axe. And whether I am your lov­ing or pun­ish­ing God depends entire­ly on whether you have been good or need dis­ci­plin­ing. To each what he deserves and is due to him.

gOdS &
BDSM is not a train­ing pro­fes­sion. All is pre­ced­ed by the first wet dream with which one dis­cov­ers his incli­na­tion. If courage and curios­i­ty come with it, years of thrilling dis­cov­er­ies and devel­op­ments fol­low. In the end, the pas­sion and sci­ence of one of the most pow­er­ful branch­es of our cul­ture. It is far more than sex­u­al diver­sion or the mere fetish of a few mad­men. It is no less than the teach­ing of the inhu­man­i­ty of man. Those who under­stand it will find even more plea­sure and libido in it. Because the inhu­man­i­ty can lead fur­ther than one could fol­low as a human being. Who final­ly los­es enough to be no more human, receives what he could nev­er expe­ri­ence as a human. Who lets him­self be forced and com­mand­ed, can do so what he would stand in the way of him­self aleine. He who is desired as he is nev­er allowed to be, can be who he some­times has to be. Who gives up self-deter­mi­na­tion, self-worth, respon­si­bil­i­ty, pow­er of deci­sion, opin­ion and even will and lets the total pow­er of anoth­er take their place, finds the sim­plest state of great­est relaxation. 
Those who are so fix­at­ed on their own­er that every­thing in life revolves only around an absolute being feel a con­nec­tion that can be com­pared to the love of a god. And nobody is clos­er to his god than the one who licks his boots. So I too have nev­er known any­thing more pre­cious than the life of anoth­er. And I have always pos­sessed and used it with such ful­fill­ment. Only to be clos­er to him, to touch him more deeply. To see what no one saw before me. The beau­ty of the facets of man that are so rare. 
Thus, one can lose, give away and receive more in one of the most inti­mate togeth­er­ness­es than is pos­si­ble for humans today. Cer­tain­ly, for some this sounds like over­es­ti­ma­tion or hubris. But every­one who fol­lowed his wet dream to the end, found so many, so beau­ti­ful and so impor­tant parts of his life that enriched him more wide­ly than any ejac­u­la­tion ever could. I also use BDSM for ther­a­peu­tic pur­pos­es upon request. 
What I can do to you and do with you can­not be put into words that would be allowed to be pub­lished on Ger­man web­sites with­out annoy­ing age ver­i­fi­ca­tion. That’s why I have to cen­sor the fol­low­ing text accord­ing­ly and you can fill the cen­sor bars again with the most friv­o­lous fan­tasies you can think of: 
Your body will be my prop­er­ty. Your Head, your heart, your
. Your life will be in my hands. Your skin will be my can­vas. Your
wll be my plea­sure. Your
will be my amuse­ment. Your
my sex­toy. Your mouth will be my
. And your pit­ty slave-
will beg me to
on my behave on
and lick it off. Dis­obey once and i
! You will eat,
, suck, lick, swal­low, or
what i want, when i want and just as i com­mand. Suf­fer what you deserve and learn how to obey, to knwew, to crawl, to
, to
and to
. You dont know noth­ing, but my
. You will fear my
, but fall in love with my
I will use and abuse you as my
. I will trans­form and train you to be a well-behaved
, sis­sy-slut, dog,
, human-fur­ni­ture,
, house­boy, house­maid,
, ash­tray or
»Mas­tress & Vic­tim« Humans are to ab/use
»Alpha & Omega« Obey and i will feed you
»Let the games begin..« Black leather, black nails, black soul,..
»Schick ’n’ Chique« The most dom­i­nant of all Stylez
»Med­ical Affairs« Trust your doc­tor, pull down your pants, bend over..
»Chat Noir« dark romance
»A.C.A.B.« All Cocks Are Beautiful
»LaLaLa­tex« skintight and shiny
»naked at night« Noth­ing can also look wonderfull
»In Led­er« Shut up and come here!
»Sportiv« Match? The win­ner takes the looser
»Streng aber gerecht« Obey and enjoy!
»Ganz pri­vat« There is a human behind the monster
Hard­core Porno mit Lucien Lafayette
Of course there are also a lot of hard­core porn clips from me on the net. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I am not allowed to show or link them on my site for youth pro­tec­tion rea­sons, but any­one who can use a search engine should be able to find and enjoy them quite quick­ly. have fun… 
Just as lit­tle as our fetish­es, my offer can not be put into words under nov­el length, which express what is behind it for us. But here are some genre terms that describe in excerpts what you can expe­ri­ence with me. Every­thing can, noth­ing must. Every­thing con­sen­su­al, noth­ing forbidden:
Dress­ing, Evening Com­pan­ion­ship, Analin­gus, ABDL, Age­play, Algo­phil­ia, AlphaMale, Ath­em Con­trol, Going Out, Auto­g­ynophil­ia, Fear Play, Alche­my­play, AV, Bas­ton­ade, Use, Sham­ing, BDSM, Biastophil­ia, Bondage, Breath­play, Nip­ple Treat­ment, Bull­whip, Can­ning, Cat­play, CBT, CT, CDNs, Chre­ma­tistophil­ia, cTPE, Cut­ting, Cuck­old­ing, Cock­Wor­ship, Degra­da­tion, Humil­i­a­tion, Depri­va­tion, DirtyTalk, Drill, Dil­do Play, D/s, Dog­gy­play, Dom­i­na­tion, Ecto­mor­phism, Edg­ing, EL, Elec­tro, Dehu­man­iza­tion, Degra­da­tion, Humil­i­a­tion, Edu­ca­tion, Event Vis­it­ing, Exhi­bi­tion­ism, FS, Feed­ing, Fem­i­niza­tion, FF, Fist­ing, Forced(. .), Tor­ture, Flog­ging, Gen­der­play, Gen­der­fuck­ing, Sex­u­al Inter­course, Hand Relax­ation, Hodophil­ia, Insult, Can­nu­la­tion, Catheter, Chasti­ty, Clin­ic, Clismaphil­ia, KV, Latex, Long-term edu­ca­tion, Liv­ing fur­ni­ture, Leather, Lick­ing slave, House and hotel ser­vice, Menage á Trois, Milk­ing, Mum­mi­fi­ca­tion, NS, Objec­ti­fi­ca­tion, Omorashi, Online edu­ca­tion, Out­door, Pet­play, Pis­s­play, Pub­lic, PP, Predator/Prey, Mind games, Prostate mas­sage, Smok­ing, Stim­u­lus cur­rent, RBP, Cane, Role plays, Sadism, Men­tal cru­el­ty, Shame Games, Shoe, Boot, Heels, Sneak­er, Sock, Nylon, Foot Fetish, Spank­ing, Spit­ting, Sis­sy­fi­ca­tion, Slu­ti­fi­ca­tion, Stock­holm Syn­drome, SM, Toi­let Games, Toi­let, Tor­ture, Titt­Tor­ture, Tram­pling, TT, Over­pow­er­ing, Sub­mis­sion, Uri­nal, Uropha­gia, Ver­bal Eroti­cism, Ver­bal Humil­i­a­tion, Rape Games, Seduc­tion, Inter­ro­ga­tion, Vomerophil­ia, Demon­stra­tion, Water­board­ing, Water­sports, Wax­ing, Wrestling, Chok­ing, Compulsion,. . 
..to name only what I am allowed to put in my mouth here accord­ing to the law for the pro­tec­tion of minors.All oth­er prac­tices that I may not call pub­lic, but exer­cise on you, I also offer almost all.So just write me and ask if you should miss something. 
& COin
I love this job.The more I hate infe­ri­or work.Therefore, I like to take my time for my peo­ple and their sub­mis­sion and not ham­pele through half-heart­ed ses­sions until the time clock sounds. Since our fetish­es are so diverse and different, 
you can not quan­ti­fy all ser­vices across the board and bind­ing. Prices so in each case in con­sul­ta­tion Tell me your dirty fan­tasies, I’m hap­py to hear them and can then say what it takes to real­ize them. 
Every god needs his Olym­pus, every slave his cage, every dog his hut and every sow her sta­ble. That’s why I work with the best SM stu­dios in Berlin in my expe­ri­ence to take you to the right realm. How­ev­er, I feel at home in almost any ambi­ence and am ready for action every­where. I vis­it you with tools and weapons case in your fan­cy hotel room or in your famil­iar four walls. I will take you to the most despi­ca­ble or most famous clubs. Accom­pa­ny you from opera to sail­ing every­where we have fun. Also out­doors I play well and with plea­sure. And even in pub­lic I know no shame. Over the years I have become so cru­el­ly good at mak­ing every spot in this world a part of my world. 
So there is no place where you would be safe from me. Even your liv­ing room or bed­room you can expe­ri­ence with me times from a whole new per­spec­tive. Local­ly I can be found in Stu­dio Lux, Stu­dio Tar­tarus and in all sorts of play­rooms in Berlin. In these loca­tions we have tens of indi­vid­ual play­rooms at our dis­pos­al, each one fur­nished with all imag­in­able fur­ni­ture that is need­ed to live our cul­ture. In addi­tion, whole arse­nals of sex toys, ten­stoys, latex gear, clin­ic acces­sories, tor­ture tools, restric­tive mate­r­i­al and all sorts of spe­cial inven­tions that make even my mouth water. So I have from clin­ic to dun­geon always the place where you belong for you. In the fol­low­ing times a small selec­tion of our possibilities… 
The clas­sic Dun­geon, in which you will be edu­cat­ed to a life as my per­son­al slave. You will obey me on the word and as a boot clean­er, lick slave, ash­tray or liv­ing fur­ni­ture avail­able. a life turns from now on only around me and is total­ly deter­mined by me in every small­est aspect. 
The roman­tic stu­dio, in which you will expe­ri­ence a night that you will nev­er for­get. Under a full moon in can­dle­light you will do and will do to you what you have always dreamed or nev­er dared to dream. Whether with SM or just with me and my queer body does not mat­ter. The main thing is us. 
The hard steel-room, in which I’ll do all kinds of amuse­ments and mis­deeds to your slave tail and / or ass, which you have nev­er expe­ri­enced. Already after half the ses­sion you will beg me to let you final­ly come. If you are good, you will also expe­ri­ence an orgasm at the end, which is more than worth it. 
The pink Sis­sys dress­ing room, in which we rig you up as a cheap hook­er in high heels and short skirt to then present you to the gen­tle­men, ladies and trans* of the stu­dio and make you avail­able. You will serve us and pam­per us when­ev­er and how­ev­er we want and serve for all our needs. 
My prince­ly courtOn which you will serve me and only me eter­nal­ly as my slave. On which your body and mind belong only to me and obey me. A place where I will deter­mine your fate, where all joys and sor­rows depend entire­ly on me, because I am your God and you are my devot­ed servant. 
The Latexla­borHere I wear your Latex­Trau­mOut­fit and also pack you motion­less to stim­u­late you into the mad­ness. Skin tight­ly packed in latex, strict­ly fixed, breath con­trolled, con­nect­ed to fuck and milk­ing machines as well as pow­er device. And that for hours… until you are just a hap­py pile of flesh. 
The rus­tic wood­en room,in whose four-poster bed you are shot to heav­en­ly heights. Fresh sheets on which I fall over you like the big bad wolf. Long and intense, until your brain is gone from your body. Because some­times it just takes two excit­ed bod­ies that abduct each oth­er in ecstasy. 
The authen­tic clin­icMed­ical stan­dards and bizarre prac­tice. Your naked body is first thor­ough­ly and exten­sive­ly exam­ined, so that then all kinds of treat­ments are per­formed on and in it. With the rig­or of a chief physi­cian and all the car­ing of a nurse. 
The noble oval officeHere you will be avail­able to your supe­ri­or for abuse of pow­er. You will be seduced by the leader. You will be sex­u­al­ly harassed. Under the desk between my legs. On the desk with your legs spread at my ser­vice. Sleep up or quit – your career choice. 
The tor­ture cham­ber,in which you will expe­ri­ence and suf­fer all tor­ture tech­niques from Span­ish Inqui­si­tion to mod­ern water­board­ing. Stretch­ing bench, sus­pen­sion bondage, cru­ci­fix­ion, spank­ing with all the tools from the bare hand to the bull­whip. Pain con­certs com­posed to come in the process. Safe­ty for life and limb is of course guaranteed. 
The bizarre lab­o­ra­to­ryHere you have to serve as my lab rat for all sorts of horny Experiem­nte, oper­a­tions or trans­for­ma­tions. Anal stretch­ing, trans­for­ma­tion, surgery, NaCl games, ene­ma, nee­dle-play, end­less edg­ing or what­ev­er must be done with you. I do it to you with pleasure! 
lil red roomThe envi­ron­ment to gen­tly intro­duce any shy or inse­cure new­com­er to the big wide world of BDSM. Because any­one who is still inex­pe­ri­enced, has earned a warm guid­ing hand that leads him to his hap­pi­ness. So that he can dive into this won­der­ful world com­plete­ly relaxed. 
The WetareaThe place for all kinds of mess­es. You are degrad­ed to the human toi­let brush and lick the toi­let clean. Or you become equal to my per­son­al toi­let so that you serve me with your mouth and body as a uri­nal, toi­let or toi­let paper. So you real­ly sat­is­fy all my low­est needs. 
The DojoHere you, me and lots of rope enjoy tight­ly entwined all kinds of bondage and rope arts. Restrict the body to expand the per­cep­tion of it. Find­ing relax­ation in immo­bil­i­ty. And if you’re already tied up, of course that can be super exploited. 
The wrestling areaIn sweaty and hon­or­able play­fight I put you gen­tly or hard on the mat. Close body con­tact. Exhaust­ing until you fall down. Stran­gle­hold and leg scis­sors until you tap out. And then it’s: To the win­ner the prey. You are the prey. 
The clubBerlin has an inex­haustible land­scape of cruis­ing clubs, sex par­ties and SM events. And these we can all vis­it togeth­er to show you pub­licly, offer or rent, enjoy our cul­ture with like-mind­ed peo­ple and expe­ri­ence unfor­get­table par­ty nights. 

So much once to give a rough insight. But every­thing is freely com­bin­able. Where and how we play of course always depends on our respec­tive pref­er­ences. The lim­it is set only by our imag­i­na­tion. But I can take action any­where and hold all the pow­er even with­out a throne. But also for the choice of the hotel you can con­sult me in advance and learn some­thing about the spe­cial rooms and secret tips that are not in the guidebook.
 á trOiS
Fan­cy some more? I enjoy the com­par­a­tive­ly har­mo­nious rela­tion­ship with my col­leagues and col­leagues in Berlin and bring them if nec­es­sary also with plea­sure. Whether it be the CoTop, thanks to which you are real­ly stuffed every­where and have four hands at once to stim­u­late you into ecsta­sy. Or the lit­tle sweet ser­vant who car­ries out my orders on you and holds your lit­tle hand while I stand behind you. Or the lady at my side, who again inten­sive­ly clar­i­fies to you why I am the alpha being and can only laugh at you in com­par­i­son. Also the cor­re­spond­ing TS- or TV-sis­ter I have in the phone book. So what­ev­er you desire besides me or you always want­ed to try, it is most like­ly well con­nect­ed with me. And if you want to bring some­one your­self, they can kneel or throne next to you. I also always like to play with cou­ples and enrich their sex life a little. 
As a spe­cial­ist for sex and kink, I expe­ri­ence with you breath­tak­ing bed sto­ries. And when we are done with the prac­tice, I also sup­port you with con­ver­sa­tion and exper­tise to the the­o­ry. Whether it’s just to talk shop among like-mind­ed peo­ple or about ques­tions such as: “How do I deal with my fetish­es?”, “Am I actu­al­ly sick?”, “How do I find con­tact with the scene?”, “How do I intro­duce my part­ner to my pref­er­ences?” or “What else can you do?”. If you want to talk about con­cerns and issues like your own shame, inse­cu­ri­ties, soci­etal resent­ment about our fetish­es, or what­ev­er is both­er­ing you and get­ting in your way. The empow­er­ment to do what you want and deserve, with­out let­ting big­otry stop you, is also some­thing I always like to give in buck­ets, high dos­es and sus­tain­able. I also have a lot to share in terms of applied gen­der the­o­ry. Male eman­ci­pa­tion is a great hon­orary com­mit­ment of mine in which I like to let every­one par­tic­i­pate and ben­e­fit. Some­times it is not enough to just do it, but it can also be very lib­er­at­ing and heal­ing to just talk about it. In this sense, I have besides sex and fetish also brain and heart to offer. 
For those who want to go real­ly deep, I work with select­ed sex­pos­i­tive and kink-friend­ly sex coun­selors and Sex­u­log­i­cal­Body­Work­ers from Berlin. In dual sex­u­al accom­pa­ni­ment we help every­one the­o­ret­i­cal­ly and prac­ti­cal­ly to find hap­pi­ness in their own sex life. But often a lit­tle chat with me can also be very inspir­ing. So if you want to talk besides play, we also like to talk about this and that from our worlds. 
KeeP Calm!
No mat­ter how sadis­tic and dom­i­nant I may play, at the bot­tom of my black soul I am a very car­ing and pro­tec­tive char­ac­ter. I have the utmost respect for every per­son who sur­ren­ders and sub­mits to me. There­fore, I would nev­er do any­thing to some­one that he could not enjoy. A con­ver­sa­tion at eye lev­el I lead with every­one and who wants may also get to know the per­son behind the mon­ster. Like­wise, if nec­es­sary, I like to give after­care and always have an open ear for all the wor­ries and fears you might have. 
Today I am one of the most eman­ci­pat­ed and accom­plished fetishists in Berlin, but many years ago I was also a com­plete begin­ner. I know how it is to be afraid when you try some­thing new for the first time. I know the inse­cu­ri­ty you can feel before a date. I’m aware of how it feels to be ashamed of your sex­u­al­i­ty. And I’ve nev­er for­got­ten what it means to be a rook­ie, shy or inse­cure. So if you have such or oth­er wor­ries, share them with me. I’ll take them away as best I can, so you can enjoy me with a clear head and a hap­py heart. And if you have nev­er done what you are going to expe­ri­ence with me, it is not a prob­lem at all. On the con­trary, I like to take care of begin­ners, even find them very sweet and deal with you exact­ly as you need. 
So don’t be afraid of me and relax, tell me what’s going on inside you and I’ll make sure you’re okay..

Safe, Sane &
S.S.C.: Trans­lat­ed, it means some­thing like: “Safe­ty-con­scious, com­mon sense and con­sen­su­al”. The first prin­ci­ple for com­mon sense and good man­ners in S.S.C., which dis­tin­guish­es trust­ed per­sons from ama­teur dic­ta­tors, which is also sacred to me. I also keep med­ical stan­dards if nec­es­sary. Like­wise, I know and mas­ter the tools and weapons I wield. Even with demand­ing prac­tices, I know stests what I do. 
But I also know my lim­its. And your lim­its learn to know before our game begins and true I when we play it. “Safe” also means Safer­Sex. Just as much as I have to guar­an­tee my clean­li­ness, unclean prac­tices are out of the ques­tion. Any­one who puts life and limb in my hands can be sure that I will ulti­mate­ly han­dle it sen­si­bly. I’m not going to break a toy. Every­thing else can be discussed. 
& Legal
My wild hus­tle and bus­tle is legal­ly reg­is­tered, approved under the Pros­ti­tu­tion Pro­tec­tion Act and is prop­er­ly exe­cut­ed. Nev­er­the­less, absolute dis­cre­tion is the top pri­or­i­ty of my guild and is also main­tained by me. You can brag about me or I will always remain your secret. Per­son­al data I col­lect as lit­tle as pos­si­ble and I treat confidentially. 
I nei­ther need nor like fence men­tal­i­ty and dubi­ous busi­ness behav­ior. There­fore, you behave oblig­ing­ly just as decent. You are hon­est, punc­tu­al, fresh­ly show­ered and accept my rules and prices. I do not expect more. But I also do not accept less. 
You can reach me via phone call, SMS, What­sApp, Telegram, Sig­nal, Skype or Three­ma at 0162 83 29 814 or via Mail by: mail@lucienlafayette.top